The Need for Proper Waste Disposal
- Yard waste takes up a shit ton of space in landfill (7)
- It creates methane when it breaks down (7)
- The yard waste also produces chemicals that can seep into the water supply (6)
- According to EPA, yard waste makes up anywhere from 25% - 50% of yard waste (8)
- If the yard waste is burned with the other gas it releases nitrogen-oxide which cause smog (8)
- If the yard waste is left to compose it releases methane which is worse for the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.
- Methane is also very explosive.
Data and Statistics
- 31.75 million tons of yard waste is produced every year
- Only 50% of all yard waste that is generated is recycled
- Most landfills are 5 to 10 years from closing or over filling.
- Methane makes up 10% of all greenhouse gasses
Comparisons Among Cities
- Currently has a 311 hotline for yard waste collection.
- Residents can call 311, make an appointment, and leave a bag full of yard waste in the alley.
- A truck will usually come pickup in 7 days (5)
- The yard waste should be kept separate from regular garbage.
- The current program takes the collected yard waste to a composting facility
- Free of charge when pickuped from your residents.
- Operate all year long
- Budget for solid waste disposal is $155 million dollars (1)
- Program is poorly advertised
- Garbage trucks will often pick up yard waste with rest of garbage (3)
- Released a pamphlet that encourages making compost at home (4)
- Yard was collection was eliminated between 2011-2012 (5)
- Under a previous administration compost bins were handed out to the resident to use for in-home composting (5)
- Currently spends an average of 10k on yard waste
- How many trucks do we need?
- Have scheduled pickups for yard waste.
- Yard waste should be placed in labeled paper bags or containers
- Program runs from April to December
- Pickup crews come every other week. In November they pick up daily.
- $40 million for the recycling program
- Has a leaf collection pickup time period between November 6 - December 1
- Also has a Citizens Transfer Station where you can drop of leaves for a fee of $2 per car load.
- It is composited and turned into mulch which is available for citizens.
We chose Toronto as the international comparison because it has a similar climate to Chicago. It also has a similar population as Chicago.
- Pickup every other week from mid-March to mid-December
- Has special pickup in January for Christmas trees
- Budget of $339 million canadian dollars that is about $ 264 million us dollars (2)
- Have many facilities to maintain
Data Visualization
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